State of Play

So things move on – slowly…

I’m still only “at risk” still at the moment, and my application for the one opportunity within my company has been accepted and acknowledged even if I’ve not yet heard anything back more about an interview or anything. Anyway I’ve done all I can on that front now and in the past I’ve been assured by others that I’d be an ideal candidate for something and not even got an interview so I know the best thing is to put it out of my mind and focus elsewhere until I hear anything.

I’ve been busy sending my CV to all the agencies I met at the career fair on Wednesday. As ever they are all very positive but then I suppose that is their job to keep you happy and engaged regardless of what is the reality since your CV on their books is what really matters to them no doubt.

We have a busy weekend ahead of us with a swimming gala and Mrs F and I off to the O2 to see Snow Patrol, which should be really good. Then Monday and Tuesday I’m at a “Career Continuation Workshop” in London which the company who is engaged by our place to help those leaving is putting on. I hope I’ll get something valuable out of that, if only getting back into the swing of commuting to London with the rest of the hordes for a couple of days.

I’ve not felt physically very well this week, I had a bad migraine headache, with that came the associated dizziness/unbalance that I get. I haven’t had that for ages and it annoyed me. I’ve felt generally “stuffed up” in the head so I think it’s all related some how. Also I had a lot of indigestion and chest pain – which is a sure sign of me being stressed, so even though I think I’m not stressed out at the moment my body is telling me different. Time for me to chill out and calm down and take things one thing at a time.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.


  1. I hate stress! The worst thing is when you're stressed and everyone around you is saying that you should RELAX as you seem REALLY STRESSED! Yes, yes, I know. You're not helping!!!!

    Hey, noticed that you've listed the Kings of Leon over on the right. Is it a decent album? People keep telling me that I should get it as 'I'll love it', but I haven't managed to bring myself to part with the cash yet.

  2. Hang on in there fella...

    hope the gig provides some fun and a chance to forget about stuff for a while.

    Lookin over my shoulder myself since last week... budgets been cut big time for new financial year and some heads are gonna roll..

    Enjoy the weekend, it's even gonna be sunny!



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