Favourite tracks

I was listening to 30 years of Deep Purple yesterday. My brother was the Purple fan, and Sabbath fan. So hence my collection never really featured these bands as he'd dash out and buy the albums and I'd get to listen to them so never needed to buy them. I was the Led Zep and Rush fan so I suppose it was quid pro quo. Years on I've bought both Sabbath and Purple collections to fill in some of the hole that was there due to that, although I've now bought Zep collections as well as all the vinyl gets very little outing these days.

I was pondering though that my favourite tracks from bands like these often bucks the general trend. Ask someone about Sabbath, Zep and Purple and the instant tracks would probably be Paranoid, Stairway to Heaven and Smoke on the Water. All great tracks but if I had to pick my favourites they'd probably be as follows....

Purple - Child in Time (with Gillan), Burn (with Coverdale) - I almost consider Purple two different bands due to the line up changes. Also, oddly maybe, Perfect Strangers from the initial reunion period is up there as well for me.
Sabbath - War Pigs. Followed closely by Ironman. Neon Knights from the Dio years - again really a diff band which they clearly acknowledged with the Heaven and Hell reunion a little while back.
Led Zep - Kashmir, run a close second today by Achilles Last Stand. To be fair they flip back and forth on a daily basis but always my top two Zep tracks.

What are yours?


  1. We share the same two Zep tracks. Nice. As for Sabbath I only know one or two numbers and those are the ones you mentioned.

  2. Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe / Laguna Sunrise
    Deep Purple - Highway Star / Lazy
    Led Zep - Communication Breakdown...probably.

  3. Istvanski - good choices. Led Zep are another band with two periods for me, the first two albums which were more raw blues/rock and then the later more prog Indian etc. influenced stuff. I prefer the later personally.


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