My daughter doesn't like Maths.  She has this bit of a block with it, when she sees something new or a little twist to the sequence of questions is added to stretch you she freaks-out and a mental brick wall goes up.  She has been like this since junior school as I remember us discussing it with her teachers in year 5 and 6 definitely.  For a short time we even employed a friend as a tutor to help her prepare for the Medway Test - for those who remember that is what we now have to call the 11plus and don't get me started on that crap, divisive, anachronistic piece of nonsense we still have to suffer in the last bastion of selective education that is Kent.

Anyway she got a Level 5 in her SATS towards the end of year 6 - which is above where expected.  She is actually good at Maths she just has the block and she simply doesn't like it.  From entry at the secondary school she has been in the top set - which in some ways hasn't helped that mind set as she has always been near the bottom of the top set and felt under pressure at times to pick it up quicker.
Well her GSCE is all finished now, they do it in the Nov for her set for some reason, and she got an A

I'm really proud and pleased for her.  She'll never actively study Maths again but she has no need to now.


  1. Bravo, bravo!
    What an accomplishment for her! You must be quite proud. What is so amazing is that it was something she had struggled with in the past, but now seems to have overcome that block and mastered it!

    Umm., you mean math, right? You guys call it maths, we call it math. Singular? plural?

    Tomato, tomatoe.
    Either way an A is a VICTORY!!!

  2. When my kid hit High School, Heff quickly learned he can no longer do maths, lol.

  3. Oh, wonderful job on the "A" in maths! I remember the craziness trying to help my daughter learn her multiplication facts...

    I didn't mind math(s) so much because I had a Dad who is/was a university masters-degree accountant who helped me understand all the rigamarole they threw at us in the books in ways that resonated in my own mind.

    To this day, however, I still have problems with "story problems" - the "If a train leaves Los Angeles at 9:30 a.m. going 100 mph and another train leaves New York at 8:30 a.m. going 70 mph, where will they pass each other, and what are the names of the two engineers?" type.

    Oh - and FINDING square or cube roots. Never fun. But possible. I can do it, it just takes me forever. Which is why I am an un-degreed jr. accountant, happily doing bank reconciliations and leaving the LIFO and FIFO calculations to the CPA hotshots.

    WV= cuinesse - sounds like french food.

  4. That is absolutely great. I was remedial at maths and remember that gut-wrenching panic of not being able to grasp it, so she has my genuine admiration and respect for her perseverance.

  5. Good for her! That's awesome! I was the same way with math - I don't know how I managed to survive!

  6. Amazing. I hope she is very proud of this accomplishment. I was like that myself so I understand the struggle and then my own son ended up like that. I think its the way it taught-he actually tested highly gifted at math when he was young and then developed anxiety on the topic. If he had a teacher who could teach it well, he did well. If not, he bombed.

  7. Oh well done, D-o-F! And i wonder why I had to learn such complicated maths when basic sums is all you need really! (and I did a-levels maths! I'm not sure why.)

  8. Well done daughter of you!! Maths sure has changed since I was at school, I had to do it as part of a recent course, was so very glad I had my 14yr olds help!

  9. Clever girl!!!!!

    I'm ok up to 20...then the toes n fingers run out...


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