I need a better camera

Hmm - some photos off my phone I finally down loaded... I need a new camera, the old one bust so I'm not taking many photos currently...

A passion fruit flower in the garden. I thought this was dead after the winter and I hacked it back now it's better than ever!

Trinty church Boston - a guide was saying how this was a Norman inspired church. Maybe but it's the wrong shape - equal sided cross not a typical cruxifix like in Europe. Also despite what she said those aren't Norman arches in the windows. However it is a very pretty building which I liked.

Gary Moore on stage at Folkestone.

Yes I know... must try harder!


  1. It is a pretty church but doesn't look norman in style.

    Passion flowers are incredibly hardy.

  2. Mee too. Every time I save up for a good one I need to buy shoes for the kids/wife/ you get the picture...


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