Mahogany T Style Build part 5

First order was to sort out the scratchplate. I had a single ply black one left over from a previous project so I used that. I made a paper template to start and used that to cut the larger p90 hole put and adjust around the bridge and control panel. Then onto wiring in the pickups. First problem was the hole into the control cavity was too small for the cables to all fit through. Luckily I bought some very long wood drills for this type of problem. I was able to work up through the sizes to get it large enough. Then to soldering. Not my favourite exercise and I think I'm rubbish at it. Still after some deep breaths going a step at a time I got there plugged in for a tap test and blow me down. It all worked properly first time! On with assembly. Ferrules inserted. Defo prefer these "vintage style" much neater to cover any little tear out. Final...