Shopping done!

Took a day off on Friday and got the Christmas shopping done. Good old Mrs F had given it all some thought and had the lists in order we hit Bluewater at opening, split up and by lunchtime were all done. Blinding! There's a lot on order from Amazon but we are pretty much sorted out.

Daughter-of-Furtheron and I had a day together Saturday as Mrs F had a girlie day with some of her mates. We went shopping and got a load of bargains in Body Shop - thanks to the assistant there who helped us, had a coffee/hot chocoloate and muffin moment whilst waiting for her shoes to be reheeled and then headed to our favourite Chinese restaurant. Somehow we had a discussion about drugs, alcohol and smoking. She's only 13 and so knowledgable already, I hope she makes the right decisions in the future.


  1. In addition, you could encourage little Ms Furtheron to visit Bluewater's sushi bar for more health advice.
    A lot of shopping at Istvanski towers is done via Less stress.

  2. Christmas shopping is not allowed for the males of the species until Christmas Eve when you hurtle in and out of various shos buying stuff to keep the wife sweet. This is a rule without flexibility.

    You are, therefore, fined 20 pence - the standard Old Pretenders club fine. It is irrelevant whether you are an Old Pretender or not. Shopping now is disgraceful behaviour.

    So there.

    I get pissed in a jewellers every Christmas Eve. Caz is driving. She can't fathom how I can get pissed in a jewellers.

    It's a trick of the trade ;-)

  3. OMG I can't believe you're done!! I envy that... I'm never done, and rarely if ever do anything early.

    Kudos to you !


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