Birthday Booty

Another year has passed and yesterday was my birthday.

So what booty did I receive?

Both my kids bought me a couple of Blu-Ray films.  Spotlight, Jurassic World, Our Kind of Traitor and Eye In the Sky.  All films I never went to see at the cinema, frankly it is so expensive these days to go I partly would rather wait for the Blu-Ray to come out.

Mrs F got me a MiloÅ¡ Karadaglić CD - Aranjuez which has the Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez on it - my (and many others I suspect) favourite guitar concerto.  Also a ticket to see him live this month at the Canterbury festival in an intimate venue with an orchestra.  Really looking forward to that!

Oh and the most guitar related gift?  Big Bends Nut sauce.  Yes you read that right.  It is a lubricant for your nuts sir.  Guitar nuts.  Often considered for only vibrato guitars I suspect I'll actually like it more for some acoustic guitars where dropping in and out of altered tunings and then bends often lead to strings sticking in the nut.  I've tried pencil lead, chapstick, vasoline etc. over the years but many rave about this product which isn't cheap frankly but I'm hoping will help my nuts glide freely.


  1. I love the Rodrio concierto. You lucky boy. Have to say I also like your Medway piece. I often play it in the background when I am on the laptop doing other stuff. Happy birthday belatedly.


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