Gigs coming up

First of all on Sunday there is the next Rochester Music Cafe night... this one is "rock night".  This'll make you laugh... see for me you say rock and I'm in the late 60s and 70s, Hendrix, Cream, Purple et al.  But that's cos I'm an old fogey I suppose.  I forget many of those involved in the Cafe project are younger than my Strat and therefore to them rock means the 80s, big hair, tight trousers and boys with eye liner.  Anyway a set comprising of Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi and Heart is on order and I've been busy learning them.  Incidentally (just realised that is the word to use rather than the increasingly seen btw) I took the plunge and accepted an offer to sign up to Tab Pro via Ultimate Guitar Tabs.  Whenever I look for tabs seems that Tab Pro gets good ratings anyway I was offered some one off life time (we'll see about that!!) membership for about $45 or £32 (ish) which seemed better than the monthly subscription it has offered me before.  Often I buy sheet music from MusicRoom and or download tabs etc. but the advantage with Tab Pro is that it is interactive, you can loop a section etc. and whilst the built in sounds are naff actually that is an advantage as you do just hear the pure notes which helps me a bit.  I might do a brief review after a bit more use.

Secondly after over a year when I haven't played any solo acoustic gigs I've landed one in early October.  Via a local "find a musician" facebook page I joined yonks ago I saw someone looking for a couple of opening acts to play 20 min sets at a new live/jam night at a local pub. Finally for once rather than pondering what set, would I fit in etc. I simply sent him a message with a link to my Soundcloud page and within an hour was on the bill.  Now the panic sets in about - what set, will I fit in... haha.  Actually I plan to play a set mostly of instrumental pieces - well we'll see that is the thought at the moment.  More on that anon.


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