Meeting a fellow blogger...

I've met a few fellow bloggers over the years - but never one who's travelled thousands of miles for the meeting.  Well that isn't strictly the main reason for Pandora Viltis' trip to the UK, her husband's stunning achievement of swimming the English Channel was probably higher on the trip itinerary I suspect.

Anyway I had the chance to meet up with PV (nee Vicariousrising) and her husband today.  It is so odd in some ways to meet someone who you already know so much about via their blog but who you've never met before but we sat in a lovely cliff top cafĂ©'s garden nattering away like old friends (which we are) over a cup of tea.


  1. Amazing. I'm meeting a blogger friend in a couple of weeks and I'm very excited. I haven't "known" her long but in some ways we're like kindred spirits (but are we all out here in sober blogging world?).

    So nice to know that the meeting made you happy. If I ever get to the UK, I know who to ring.


  2. Sounds great! I was so nervous when I met my first blogger friend but she's now a great buddy and I'm going over there for lunch today! xxx

  3. I had a terrific time meeting you too. The visit flew by! Hopefully we'll be able to catch up again when I come back next year (or if you happen to be in the New York area). I owe you a cup of tea ;)

  4. I've met a few of my readers too. It's odd isn't it--you can just start talking straight away without any of the preambles that can take months or years with other people. But really nice. I can honestly say I've enjoyed all of my RL meet-ups with fellow scribblers.

  5. I've done that too, it's a unique experience to meet someone for the first time but already know them so well.

  6. I'm so happy for all of you! I love the idea of getting to meet fellow bloggers. I've been able to make a select few connections off-line and I'm so grateful for them.

  7. Wonderful! i've logged about a dozen meet ups - even going on holiday with a few of my 'imaginary friends who live inside my computer'. Other than one rather challenging situation, it's been delightful!


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