Thanks to my friend DeeJay for pointing this out to me - it was on a BBC2 show. An excellent summary of alcoholism I changed because I have the sickness of alcoholism, alcoholism doesn't come in bottles it comes in people. You should have seen me. I drank for happiness and became unhappy; I drank for joy and became miserable. I drank to be out-going and became self-centred; I drank for sociability and became argumentative and lonely; I drank for sophistication and became crude and obnoxious. I drank for friendship and made enemies, I drank to soften sorrow and wallowed in self-pity; I drank for sleep and awakened without rest. I drank for strength and felt weak. I drank for masculinity and it sapped my potency; I drank medicinally and got sick. I drank because I thought my job called for it and lost my job. I drank to stimulate thought and blacked out. I drank to make conversation and got to where I couldn't talk at all; I drank to forget and became haunted. I drank for freedom...
This is rather lovely, isn't it? He is completely new to me. There is a fine line, isn't there, between just right and over the top showy. I am trying to find a link to something I saw a while ago. Erm.... (goes off to find it) x P
ReplyDeleteRare I comment twice. Can I just say thank you for putting this up? I have been listening to it all day and mesmerised by it every time. I am endeavouring to spread the word on the Book of Face. So far only three people have had the good sense to listen. I shall promote him further. Just wonderful. x P