The workbench

I've been setting up some projects now I'm "retired". However weather, health and other stuff keeps getting in the way. However progress has been made. I built a new workbench! I think I said I was going to do this ages ago - at least a year... or two! Ta Da! I bought some lengths of 4x2in (well the metric equivalent) from the local store which they delivered back in January. I then created a frame - the cross braces (front to back) are just butted against the front frames where I joined the long cross bits to the legs via half lap (I think that's what it's called) joints. They hide the screws hold the cross braces in. I cut some MDF to fit as a bottom storage shelf and the top is an offcut from our kitchen worktop that has been sat in the garage for 15 years waiting for me to do this! The vice is an old one I liberated from my father-in-laws garage last year when we had to sell that house after my mother-in-law went into a care home. I...