Say hello to "Amber"

After waiting a week to let the body totally cure off today was guitar assembly and set up time!!! And here is the final result... I've christened her "Amber" after the colour used on the body. Let me take you through the assembly... Here was the work shop dining room table as I was preparing to start about 9am Saturday morning. First job was soldering all the various components together on the body. I didn't fix anything down at this point in case there were any hassles. I soldered on the jacksocket - so I could then do a "tap test" (tapping a screwdriver on the pickups whilst the guitar is plugged into an amp to ensure the electrics are generally ok) Then I attached everything to the body. I drilled necessary holes for the scratchplate and control plate and screwed them, the bridge and the jack socket into position. Then to the final major bit. Attaching the neck. This neck/body combination had been "mated"...