On this day in history...

Well roughly - in 2006 my Mum passed away on the 6th April.  I still miss her - I'm glad she saw me sober for the last couple of years of her life.

In 2003 on April 7th I signed up to an Alcohol Concern programme - to learn "controlled drinking" - the next year was frankly a total nightmare as I fought the drink on my own, unable to realise why I could stop then start again and think I was all fine and for it to explode in a matter of days again to a point where I was way out of control again... Stop, wait, start, explode. 

Around April 8th 2004 I signed up to the same thing again, but was so despondent that I gave up the next day and resigned myself to a life of utter misery having to drink.  Chapter 12 A Vision for You of Alcoholics Anonymous (aka the big book) sums it up superbly.

"He cannot picture life without alcohol. Some day he will be unable to imagine life either with alcohol or without it. Then he will know loneliness such as few do. He will be at the jumping-off place. He will wish for the end."

I was that person make no mistake.

Early April has a lot of memories for me.  I can't believe that I'm now heading on a day by day basis to 9 years sober.  9 years!  That is 18% of my life!!!   Incredible and I'm so grateful to all who've helped me on my continuing trudge on the Road of Happy Destiny.


  1. Your mum would be so proud of you, as we all are.

  2. Here, here. I second that.

    This Friday I'm attending the annual rare book fair at the Park Avenue Armory here in NYC. I suspect I'll see a few first editions of The Big Book. Did you know it was a highly sought-after collectable? It's true! Prices range from about $7,000-$10,000 depending on condition. NOT cheap! I remember once seeing a copy inscribed by Bill Wilson to founding member and contributor Tom Birrell. Asking price: $50,000! I don't know if it sold.

    1. Funny that in some ways. I was given my free in the rehab - but it is priceless to me

  3. 9 years is quite an accomplishment..
    Im sure your mom would be proud.

  4. I can only add my admiration to that of the others. Here's to another nine years.

  5. Sounds like a bittersweet month, though your perspective is undoubtedly hopeful and cheery. So glad you are where you are.

  6. 9 years! That's wonderful I won't drink to that;)

  7. I'm certain your mom is smiling down on you and she is very proud. Nine years is beautiful, Futheron!

  8. bravo!! I have a very old friend who is on week 6........one day at a time!!

  9. What a great cause for celebration! (Not your mum obviously. Think first, woman, before writing.)

  10. Congratulations! Not an easy path, but one that you have navigated successfully, and with grand results!


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