In Da Studio...

Okay stretching a point since I actually mean - In the little box room that is crammed with guitars, books, AA paraphernalia (I hold the stock for Public Interest stuff in our local area), Christmas presents... etc. But it has my little recorder in it so today it is the studio. :-)

I'm recording a couple of new tracks - so watch this space.

I've signed up to Reverbnation as an artist... nothing like self publicity is there. My page is here. It's quiet neat as you can then get a player for your material without it being available for Download - well it is up to you to set that and then you can get widgets to bung on your blog... note the two news one to the right of this post.

If anyone would like to promote me on there blog then go here and you can grab the code for a widget of different types which you can put on your blog etc. (If you are on blogger in layout tab click on add a gadget and then select the one that allows HTML to be pasted in and viola - done!

I have to add the March gig I've got but need to find the venue first... but soon there will be more than one upcoming gig.


  1. Right. Joined reverbnation and you're are well and truly widgeted on me blog - hope it didn't hurt too much...;-)


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