Postscript to last post

I realised I didn't mention two bands I should have...

Saxon and Anthrax, both old stagers from different eras and movements (NWOBHM and Thrash). Both played good sets and showed that the old boys still have it.

Also one thing I banged on about constantly over the weekend to my son - and any other poor sod that'd listen was that 30 years ago, pretty much to the day I was there to see Led Zep play the first of the last two shows they played in UK before Bonzo's untimely death. There I was this fresh faced 16 year old and that was the first big open air festival like gig I'd ever done. I remember Zep being just stunning and it is still often up there when I'm asked about my favourite gig of all time. Oh yes we slept in my brothers old Hillman car in the car park and Stevenage station, somehow the roughing it in those days didn't seem as big a problem :-)


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