New look blog, last gig of the year and the much treasured Furtheron gig of the year awards.

I’ve tarted up the blog a bit as you may notice. Along with the seductively reclining Les Paul on the header there are some lists as to music I’m listening to and books I’ve been reading on your right that I’ll endeavour to update regularly. Please feel free to comment on anything you notice in there…

Mrs F got an early Christmas present last night as I took her to see Simply Red at The O2 on their Greatest Hits tour. Simply put Simply Red are Mrs F’s favourites above all others so she is sad that they are calling time on their career and that this is the final tour. This was the fifth time I think we’ve seen them, once about second album time at the Docklands Arena (does that still exist?) and I remember them having loads of technical issues that night. At Wembley Arena I think on the Stars tour. Brighton some time later on the Home tour and a couple of years back at an open air gig at Leeds Castle in Kent just after Blue came out.

So anyhow – very very good gig. We were up in the gods and I really mean that – if you have a problem with heights level 4 at the O2 is to be avoided. Still we had a very clear view of the stage :-) bit like a Buzzard does as it circles it’s prey. Simply Red aren’t my personal favourites but they are a very impressive live act, very polished, excellent sound quality and extremely tight. I’d love to work with the two brothers who make up the rhythm section they are just stunningly solid.

It was a hits tour and they have a fair number to get through. My favourite album by them is A New Flame and they played a few off that which was good. One of the big crowd pleasers was Money too tight too mention which made me think that in the 23 years since that was a hit we’ve sort of gone full circle really… or have we not moved?

So that is it for gigs this year. I suppose time to vote for gig of the year… blimey difficult as always given they are all so varied. Metallica has to be up there for the fan club O2 gig, which was great as they played such a different set from their standard fare, cost only £5 and apparently they gave the proceeds to charity. How come I normally shell out £40 to get in to a gig then? David Gray was very good at Folkestone – I like that venue as it is so intimate. Hmm Queen were very good… then the stadium gigs Foo Fighters and Iron Maiden…. Okay…

Best gig overall – Metallica for some of the reasons above and because they played their socks off.
Best Stadium gig – oh tricky, I think the Foos just edge it as they clearly loved it and the finale with Jimmy Page and JP Jones topped it.
Best small gig – I’m going to give to Gordon Giltrap at Chathams lovely little Brook Theatre. If you’ve never seen him do yourself a favour and get along. He’s very witty in his little monologues in between the songs and one of the finest guitarists you’ll ever have the privilege to witness.


  1. I like the look of your new blog and your writing style is quite exceptional. Just curious, why did you decide to put books you have been reading on the side? It's pretty interesting.


  2. I've seen other blogs where people have lists like that - thought it a good idea and something to either inspire someone to read something or maybe recommend something to me...

    PlanetMondo is one blog with these type of lists but using the widget/gadget type thing which all seems too timeconsuming to me and blogs with loads of these things on take so long to load (I'm very impatient at times :-) so I went with a simple list thing.

    I'll see how it goes... onus is on me to update the darn thing now...

  3. onus ?
    damn dude ..
    aint you got all fancy ? :)

  4. Just good job I didn't mistype it... :-)

  5. Like the new look...

    Books? What're books? I used to read at least one a week whilst on the train to work. Tried reading on the Vespa but it didn't go so well...

    I miss books. They're lovely.

  6. S'looking good - I could do with a de-clutter, great idea about gigs of the year - what would mine be...

    Biggest Show - Pistols at Hammersmith, no question! A historic night.

    Small Show - Marco Pirroni's new band The Wolfmen at The Mother Bar two-fisted glam-pop-punk. Perfect.

    PS got a couple of guitar-a-go-go tunes loaded up for this week's Funky Friday

  7. What's an onus? talking ;-)

    Best gig of the year????

    Pistols, Hammersmith nuff said...

    Excellent looking blog by the way old bean.

    Just finished T E Lawremce '7 Pillars Of Wisdom' Marvellous read as well. Not once did I think of Peter O'Toole ;-)

  8. Yes I can't help thinking how much like my own rather splendid looking blog that yours has become... ;-)


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