He has arrived!

Son-of-furtheron has arrived in the land of the midnight sun - although currently it is the land of no flipping sun at all!

Rewind to last week...  Final preparations underway for his trip, huge Arctic coat bought, selection of thick hats and gloves, even some gaiter things to attach to his boats so that he can trudge through the snow without it filling up his boots, thick over trousers etc. etc.  His girlfriend had a great idea of these vacuum pack bags - you fill them up and roll them over several times to expel all the air from them through one way valves, you can then pack them in much less space than normal.  So by Friday it was all packed into a huge case and his backpack.  We had a great laugh weighing the case, as I had some scale things but he was so close to the limit (and he is of course a physicist ) he wanted a more accurate measure.  So another bright idea - use the Wii fit!  That hadn't seen light of day for months and months but after finally weighing the case - right on the limit - everyone was was back on Wii Sports.  A really fun evening along with a massive delivery order from Domino's Pizza!

Sunday we had a hearty roast lunch and headed to the airport where he met up with his fellow travellers and we waved a tearful farewell to him - well the girls were tearful.  We then got various txt messages detailing his progress.  To Oslo and a night sleeping in the terminal to then check in early, flight up to Tromso, then to Svalbard.  The last indicating all arrived safely and that he had the key to his accommodation and was in there, all in all just over 24 hours from leaving our house until he arrived.

The adventure begins!  I hope to bring occasional updates here and being the keen photographer he is once he posts anything up on Flikr I'll point you in that direction.

This evening will be just me and Mrs F and a hot pot of the left over beef!  S-o-F safely arrived, his girlfriend has battled the UK railway network to return to Wales, Daughter-of-Furtheron is off to have a meal with her boyfriend now he is back from his holiday in Egypt. So from 6 go mad on Saturday night to the pair of us at the kitchen table today.  This is what older parenting looks like I presume...


  1. Yeah...it pretty much sucks.

    So glad your son made it okay. Can't wait to hear more about his adventures.


  2. What an adventure. Even the part of it just being the two of you without kids (my baby is going to college next year, so I'm anticipating that change myself).

    I didn't know you had Domino's in England. I know KFC is huge in China, though. Lol. Bad American food.

  3. Sounds like an episode of The Amazing Race. Do you get that out there? The edits/cuts in that program are so fast that it's exhausting to watch! I can't imagine participating.

  4. The vacuum bags are wonderful things! i also use them for storing pillows, believe it or not! They are magic!

    And i adore the idea of using the Wii Fit to weigh the bag! i have a travel scale for that purpose, but Wii Fit would work well! And a glorious guilt-free Domino's indulgence if you're all working hard!

  5. This is wonderful! His expedition reminds me of a storyline from the sitcom The Big Bang Theory. A group of physicists head off to the arctic to conduct research! They came back home with full on beards and shaggy hair. :)

    1. There is a good chance that may be closer to truth than you might think!! Lol!


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