Stumbling toward 50...

Saturday just gone the family held my 50th birthday bash... now it isn't my birthday yet, still a couple of weeks or so away but due to availability of sons etc. (he will be back to uni next week) it seemed sensible to hold it early.   Those who know me via this blog will no doubt not be surprised to hear me say I really am not a great party person at all. For that reason I'd wanted an "afternoon gathering" the original plan being a little do at our place through the afternoon.  However as the invitee list grew and the summer's weather wasn't great we decided to move to an alternative venue so we booked a room above a pub that my wife knew about and they provided the sarnies etc. meaning Mrs F enjoyed it far me being able to circulate around.

In the end somewhere attendance was somewhere in the 30s.  Which was pleasing, all my close family was there, the extended bits to (i.e. partners and family of nephews etc.) some friends from AA and some old friends who used to be a regular friends some years back but with life and families changing we all moved on and don't see each other so much at all these days with one of those making the trek up from Bristol.

It was really nice to have all those people around to celebrate with - although I still feel a bit of a fraud given my birthday is still a way off and all the cards/presents were left un-opened until the actual day as that seemed right to me.

Here is the cake Mrs F commissioned from an extremely talented friend of hers.  Most people claimed it was a dead ringer for me.  I think I look like a character from the old Camberwick Green shows which I really like the idea of... if only they would make a remake I could pitch myself in as a wandering musician... :-)

Oh yes and with so many AAs at the party the bar I suspect didn't quite sell as much alcohol as they expected to!


  1. Good work. It reminds me of the dolls on the back of The Faces Nod's as Good as a Wink..

    Speaking of ver Green, do you think Windy Miller, could do with a trip to AA

  2. Goodness me, you have turned into cake!

  3. Well, a happy birthday to you. You could easily misconstrue stumbling towards 50 as fumbling towards ecstasy, a pretty decent album by Sarah McLachlan. The phrases really aren't that far apart metaphorically. 50 could be when you trip and fall into greatness.

  4. Happy birthday! Great cake, although sa bit more ginger on the top than your album cover.

  5. Happy birthday for the day itself! The cake is brilliant - did you get to keep your Mini-Me or, erm.... was he edible?

    1. He is edible - only thing that isn't is the mic stand which is a drinking straw. However he has been removed and put to one side... Mrs F then said "I can stick pins in him can't I" Charming!

  6. That cake is incredible!

    Happy birthday - early!!!

  7. Your party sounds wonderful! I'm glad you had the kids there too. The cake is great, whoever did it is quite talented. Funny, about the bar not selling as much as they probably thought they would LOL

  8. Mike Harding's cake this year was identical.



    1. Do you think I have a future as Mike Harding tribute act?... :-)

    2. No. But I think Mike Harding may have a future as a Graham Hunt tribute act!

    3. Haha - in another life maybe... :-)

  9. Happy early birthday, friend. I love the cake and I love that so may AArs were there!

  10. Isn't it a bit freaky - but wonderful - when people from so many aspects of your life are together in one room? At my 50th, i was so overwhelmed to see this person from high school talking to that guy that i work with today... Like being at my own funeral, as that is the next possible time for all of those souls to be together.

    LOVE the cake! That is indeed fine work!

  11. hope you have a great birthday, love the cake!

  12. Congratulations, Graham. I'm stumbling not far behind you, so can empathise with the pressure of how/why/wherefore to celebrate one's 'Golden Year'. Glad you found something that worked out. And what a fabulous cake!

  13. Well Happy Birthday in advance...I wish you all the best. I listened to a few of your songs and I must say they are very engaging...and you have a very pleasant voice. So you are on the verge of celebrity :)!! I wish you good luck and hopefully stardom won't change you...Kisses.

  14. What a fab cake! I won't say happy birthday yet but I'm glad you enjoyed the gathering.

  15. oh my how utterly brilliant....... welcome to the gray side!!

  16. Happy early birthday then. It sounds like the perfect way to celebrate. Love the cake, what a dear wife you have. Funny bit about the bar being underutilized. They're probably not used to that.


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