Gordon Smith for Sale

No not my bright red Graduate 60 that has graced the top of this blog for a long time now but the company!

Yes in one of the fan facebook sites someone put up a link to the fact that John and Linda Smith are looking for a buyer after 40 years in the business.

I'm half tempted.  I wonder how much they want?  Is this madness?  For me to take it on...  They state that the business would need to relocate anyway so the fact they are in Manchester and I'm in Kent seems little concern - a hand over period then a relocate to Kent.

Business plan....

1. Relocation
2. Consider the model line - push unique designs like the Ghostrider and Gryphon bass in particular.
3. Endorsements - land a couple of high profile endoresees
4. Adverstise in press - Gordon Smith used to advertise but hasn't for years.
5. Dealership - build on curent network.

USP?...   One thing is the Carvin like ability to order a custom build for you off a menu selection in effect. Given you a one-off unique guitar but at less than USA off the shelf costs.

So... now I'm wondering if other Gordon Smith users would join a Kickstarter campaign to ensure the company continues and is in "good hands"... 

Anyone remember those old Victor Kiam ads for Remington razors?  He was so impressed he bought the company... am I too?

UPDATE 11th March - Chris Smith has said on Facebook that Auden Guitars are interested in taking over! 


  1. So they don't include the workshop! That means you have to find some real estate. Nevertheless, it's very, very tempting. Even for a non-player like myself. Can you imagine?!

    1. The workshop is leasehold and it states they expect the business to relocate. I believe the workshop is an old building in an area where someone could realise a substantial profit by redeveloping as housing.... A common UK plan if you run your own business is to put the premises into a pension plan so that when you retire you can get income/investment return on it so I wonder if they've done that.
      I would be tempted - I have to say though I'm not talented enough as a luthier and not a good enough businessman to make this fly I think

  2. Graham - you don't have to be talented enough to build the guitar (aren't you proud that I know what a luthier is? My son wanted to be one at one time) nor to run the business. You find partners to do that! You know MUSIC. You have the contacts!

    I think this could work. Damn I wish I wasn't so far away. I'd run that sucker for you.

    Keep us posted.


  3. Final update on this... I got a tweat back from Auden Guitars today...

    I got a tweet back from Auden Guitars this morning...

    Audenguitars @audenguitars 3m3 minutes ago

    @GrahamHunt62 a bit more than interested Graham. Deal very close, John will remain involved and GSG will remain 100% British made.

    Good news all round


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