Stupidity! Don't be hasty. Leave it to someone who knows... etc. Ok My Gibson Les Paul Custom, which used to on the old blog at least and maybe here for a while be my banner at the top, has had to go to the menders. Why? Cos I was daft that is why. I've filed a few nuts in my time, normally on my cheaper guitars or on the kit build etc. and in those cases all has been fine, a success. I took my time, carefully noting what I was doing. So one day a little while back I thought may be if I lower the nut slots on the Gibson some of the intonation issues on the lower frets will be fixed. Good idea I thought. I remember laying it down and thinking "This is a pretty pricey guitar do you want to do this?" I went at it. Stupidly I went just one or two strokes too far on the low E string. It buzzed it rattled. I was mortified, how stupid. I did a temp fix with superglue and some dust off a spare nut blank but frankl...